Sermons & Messages



A Reflection on the year 2012, New Year message for 2013 & call to ministry partnership:

Psalm 115: 14 “The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children” 

2013 – Our Year of Divine Increase 

Dear Friends,

A Reflection on the year 2012, New Year message for 2012 & call to ministry partnership:

As I reflect on the year 2012 two great songs came to mind 

What shall I say Unto the Lord,

All I have to say is thank you Lord

Thank you Lord! Thank you Lord!!

All I have to say is thank you Lord

Our God, our help in ages past,

Our hope for years to come,

Our shelter from the stormy blast,

And our eternal home.

Under the shadow of Thy throne

Thy saints have dwelt secure;

Sufficient is Thine arm alone,

And our defense is sure.

Before the hills in order stood,

Or earth received her frame,

From everlasting Thou art God,

To endless years the same.

Our God, our help in ages past,

Our hope for years to come,

Be Thou our guard while troubles last,

And our eternal home.

(Words by Isaac Watts, The Psalms of Da¬vid, 1719. Music: St. Anne, William Croft, 1708.This hymn was sung at the funeral of former British prime minister Winston Churchill in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, 1965)

With these two songs at the back of my mind, all I can say to the Lord this year is Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!.

The Lord has been faithful to us at the Anglican Church of the Redeemer 2012. We started the year with great expectation trusting the Lord for restoration and completion. Our watch word was from Nehemiah 2:17 “Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace”. We declared by faith based on his direction 2012 as our year of restoration & completion. Glad we listened to HIM and followed his leading. The lord has restored us in several areas of our lives and has completed so many things in our lives. Several things that appears insurmountable came to reality and God proved himself as God. He has been our help in ages past & will remain our help in year to come. He has been our help from the stomy blast and we are guaranteed security under his banner and throne.

We give thanks to God for all our volunteers. These are men and women who have sacrificed their time, money, energy, work, studies and pleasures for the sake of the gospel and this Church. You are appreciated and the Lord who you have chosen to serve through the ministry of the Anglican of Church of the Redeemer, Regina will reward you abundantly in Jesus name. Don’t give up, continue to serve HIM faithfully in the new year. He will not live or forget you now and the years to come. He is coming soon and his rewards are with him to give every man as his work shall be”

As I reflect on year to 2012, I am filled with Joy and sadness. Joy for what has been accomplished and what he has done and sadness for some of our personal and corporate failures. Let me say, in all we tahnk God even for our failures. It is HIS mercy that has sustained us thus far. With all our weaknesses we have reasons to give thanks to God for his faithfulness. The Lord is good and his Mercies endures for ever. Let me highlights some of the ways he fulfilled HID Promise in our Lives.

God led us to a permanent location for the worship of our God. Barely a head ago (October 01, 2011), we purchased a smaller building (1772 Montreal Street, Regina, SK, Canada, the former Salvation Army Citadel/Chapel) with maximum capacity of less than 100 with very restricted features. We were so excited to move into the building but we did not know that God allowed us to purchase the building so he can use it to prepare us for a bigger place. The sale of this place provided a significant down payment for our new church location (5000 8th Avenue, Regina). Not only is this new church bigger in size (15000 sq ft) and able to seat more people, it has several facilities that will enable us concentrate most of our ministry activities in one place, provide additional source of income for our church/ministry, give us opportunity to expand and reach out more people. The purchase of this building October 01, 2012 is not short of a miracle. Without God & his divine plan for us it would be impossible for us to purchase building. We are truly grateful to God for this divine provision and fulfilment. It was divine completion. From a small beginning of meeting in school with less than 5 people to a place that can now seat several hundreds of people. May his name be praised for ever and ever. 

This story will not be complete without special thanks to all members of Anglican Church of the Redeemer, Regina for their generosity and commitment. All members of redemption center, thank you. We are also grateful to the Primate, Archbishop, metropolitan & primate of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) and the Church of Nigeria for the moral and financial support towards this purchase. The primate accompanied by Archbishop M Akinyemi (Archbishop of Ecclesiastical province of Kwara), Archbishop Ikechi Nwosu (Archbishop ecclesiastical province of Aba) and Barister Abraham Yisa (Registrar Church of Nigeria) visited the Anglican Church of Regina between August 21 – 23, 2012. It was a great visit and honor to the faithful in the city of Regina and beyond. Thanks to several our priests who also attended the events. Thank you, Your Grace for this honor granted us.
We are also grateful to our founding Bishop, Rt. Rev (Dr.) Peter Adebiyi, Bishop, Diocese of Lagos West. His encouragement contributed in no small measure to the starting of Anglican Church of the Redeemer, Regina (2004). Not only did the bishop support us at the beginning, the diocese also donated a significant amount to the purchase of the building. We are grateful. We know in the next four months Baba will retire as the Bishop of the diocese, your impact will remain indelible in our hearts & church. We will remain indebted to you. Baba Peter & mama Caroline Adebiyi, thank you for your support. As you retire from active service, may the Lord continue to bless and keep you now and in the years to come in Jesus name.

There are several other people who supported us in the purchase of this building. All we want to say to you is thank you! Thank you!! . May the Good Lord reward you abundantly in Jesus name. 

Aside the purchase God also proved his faithfulness in other areas. We are grateful for new members that joined us in 2012. It is clear indication that the Church is matching on and the gate of hell cannot prevail. Thank God for those who have been saved and sanctified to serve in this ministry. Total Number of baptism this year is Eight. We pray the Lord will establish all these souls in his love in Jesus name.

We give thanks to God for the annual workers & PCC retreats of the Church held January & March 2012 respectively. God is faithful

The Annual convention & the 8th Year anniversary (July 5 -8) was glorious. We give thanks to God for all our guest especially the Bishop of our Diocese (Rt. Rev Amos Fagbamiye). The CAF (Celebration and appreciation & Visitation) Night was awesome. It was a great opportunity to appreciate all our volunteers and to celebrate in the presence of our God. A total of 11 people were also confirmed by the Bishop. Our BBQ was also well attended. We are grateful to God for this special time of annual fellowship. 
This year the Missionary Diocese of Trinity was inaugurated. On Sunday August 19, 2012 the Missionary Diocese of Trinity (MDT) - created Friday September 16, 2011, the General Synod of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) sitting at Archbishop Vining Memorial Cathedral Church, Ikeja, Lagos) was duly inaugurated at the Anglican Cathedral Church of Resurrection, Indianapolis, IN USA and the Bishop Rt Rev Amos Fagbamiye formally enthroned by the Primates of Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) and Anglican Church in North America. It was a great funfare & inspiring fellowship/worship service. Our church was adequately represented a member of the new diocese.

On Saturday October 19/20, 2012, the Diocesan Synod of the Missionary Diocese of the Trinity (MDT) meeting at Church of the Epiphany, Bronx, New York passed a resolution for the formation of the Missionary Archdeaconry of Canada (MAC – MDT) with the episcopal assent of the Church. Our church was made the headquarters of the Archdeaconry and the rector of the church Rev Canon Olukayode (Kay) Adebogun made archdeacon of the new archdeaconry. 

December 16, 2012 marked a great day in the life of the Anglican Church of the redeemer. Four great events too place during the 5.5 hours service attended by several members of the community. 
A. Dedication of the new Church Building (Anglican Church of the Redeemer, 5000 8th Avenue) B. Inauguration of the Missionary Archdeaconry of Canada C. Official Collation of the Archdeacon D. Enrolment of women into the mothers union. 
We are grateful to God for these events. We also give thanks to Mama Abike Fagbamiye & Bishop Amos Fagbamiye for attending these events in the midst of the nasty snow & winter in the Prairies of Canada (Saskatchewan). We also give thanks to God for the ministry of all the clergy within the archdeaconry. From Montreal to Toronto & Calgary to Winnipeg, we pray the Lord will continue to prosper their ministry in these areas. 

We give thanks to God for the women ministry of our church under the able leadership of the Mrs Tundun Adebogun (Spouse of the archdeacon). They participated actively in the activities of the diocese and also fellowship among themselves. May the Lord continue to strengthen them in His service. 

2012 also witnessed the creation of the Rosemont kids club for children ages 6 – 12 (every Tuesday) and teen Power club for children ages 13 -18 (ever Thursday). It was great opportunity to promote fellowship among young people and to be able to reach out to kids in the neighbourhood. The Children Sunday also continue to function & remain a place to teach our young children the way of the Lord. We are grateful to all their teachers. 
We also give thanks to God for 2012 Harvest held October 2012 & the Choir festival (December 2012) . 

Well 2013 is here and the Lord is again speaking us and saying 2013 will be a year of DIVINE INCREASE. As in the past we are going to trust him & believe his Words. He does not lie. Our anchor is from Psalm 115: 14 “The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children” We will trust God for divine increase on every side for our life, church, home, archdeaconry and diocese. He has promised he will never fail. I encourage you to key into this divine promise so it can come to fulfilment in your life. I am convinced God want to increase us on every side. When God speaks we have learn to believe him over the years and this year will not be an exception. 

Once again let me also use this opportunity to invite you to partner with us. You can partner with us as individual, church, group or society.

You can be a faithful prayer partners and off course you can also partner with us in meeting some of our financial needs.

Our ministry is a fertile ground for the end time mission. Let God use you to bless the church.

Contact us today to be part of our God given ministry and you will not regret you did.

And now unto him that is able to keep us from falling I commit you and all your loved ones, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace now and for ever. Amen 

Wishing you a glorious and happy new year. 2013 shall be your year of DIVINE INCREASE!!!! 

Your Friend, Ministry Partner and Pastor 

Venerable Kay Adebogun MA, Mdiv, RCIC, FMA, FCSI, DipTh, Dip RS 

Rector, Anglican Church of the Redeemer (Redemption Center) & 

Archdeacon, Missionary Archdeaconry of Canada 
5000 8th Avenue, 

Regina, SK, Canada S4T 0W3

Tel: +13065458622

Fax: +13062053234 


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2012 Christmas Message:

2012 Christmas Message (December 25, 2012) 

Anglican Church of the Redeemer, Regina, SK, Canada 

Christmas – A season worth Celebrating 

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isa 9:6 NIV).

We give thanks to God for another Christmas season. God has given us a gift to celebrate – Jesus Christ. Yearly we celebrate this season but this year I began to wonder why the repetition? Why can’t we just celebrate it once and for all. As I ponder on this subject I look at the white snow in the Prairie of Canada (especially my province – Saskatchewan) and I see vast land covered with snow? Why do we have snow yearly? It is reminder that winter season is here. Because of the season we are able to pattern our lives appropriately & dress properly. Some provinces even change their time due to day time savings. It is necessary to be reminded of these things so we can pattern our lives accordingly.

It therefore important for us to celebrate this season to remind ourselves of the immeasurable gift that God gave to us. It is a great sacrifice from God. He gave us his only Son that we may be delivered from our sins. It is the greatest gift. It was give out of love 
“This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person’s failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him. (John 3: 16 -18 – The message bible) 

Let us give thanks to God for the special gift given to creation and as we give thanks to him let us remember to pattern our lives for His second coming. “Yes, I’m on my way! I’ll be there soon! I’m bringing my payroll with me. I’ll pay all people in full for their life’s work. I’m A to Z, the First and the Final, Beginning and Conclusion (Rev 22: 12-13) It is no longer a question of “if he is coming” it is a question of “when is he coming”. It is certain that he will come – Maranatha.

The events of our days clearly points to his second coming. The calamities in our nation, shooting in our neighbourhood, the wars in various countries, corruption among our leaders in even in the so called developed western world, lack of commitment in our churches, compromising life style of brothers and sisters in Christ, the deliberate acceptance of sin as normal way of life, dynamic changes in our weather and world & false prophesy about the end of the world and naming specific days when he will return clearly point to imminent return of the Saviour - The king of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Will you be ready when the Lord Shall Come? Will you be ready when the Lord Shall Come? This is a question everyone must answer as we celebrate this season again. If he comes tonight are you going to be rapturable. Remember Rev 16:15 “Keep watch! I come unannounced, like a thief. You’re blessed if, awake and dressed, you’re ready for me. Too bad if you’re found running through the streets, naked and ashamed.”

Let this season of Christmas remind you of the coming of the Lord. Inscribe it on every gift - the message of his coming. As you exchange gift and rejoice with friends and family be reminded that “The Son of Man’s Arrival will be like that: Two men will be working in the field—one will be taken, one left behind; two women will be grinding at the mill—one will be taken, one left behind. So stay awake, alert. You have no idea what day your Master will show up.” Matt 24: 39).A son has been given to us (everyone irrespective of your race & color) & that is Jesus, the Christ to prepare us for the day. No other gift will surpass this precious gift. He is the all in all. For this precious gift, it is a season worth celebrating! 

Wishing you and all that is yours Mercy Christmas and Glorious/prosperous NewYear! 

Your friend & pastor. 

Venerable Kay Adebogun 

Rector & Archdeacon, Missionary Archdeacon of Canada 

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